Elizabeth Younger

Director of Marketing

As the Director of Marketing, Elizabeth is responsible for developing marketing strategies that align with Cottonwood’s core values, target market, and long-term goals. She oversees the development and execution of comprehensive marketing, communications, and business development initiatives, and ensures all messaging and deliverables are consistent with Cottonwood’s brand and voice.

Elizabeth brings over ten years of marketing and graphic design expertise to her role at Cottonwood. She combines strong communication skills, brand expertise, and service-oriented values to help grow Cottonwood’s reach and foster strategic partnerships.

Day-to-Day Details

I start every morning with…
With an iced latte, and either some music or a podcast.

I end every day…
Cooking and enjoying a nice dinner.

How do you help protect the environment on a day-to-day basis?
Reduce, reuse, and recycle.

What’s your favorite hangout spot in Boulder?
Wonderland Lake.

Quote you live by?
“The way you do anything is the way you do everything.”

Elizaberth - Director of Marketing