Managing Your Project

With more than two decades of home building under our belts, we have learned more than a few things along the way. Below is an outline of Cottonwood Custom Builders’ fail-safe system to keep projects running smoothly and ensure quality from the foundation to the final interior finishes.

Specs & Scope

We verify that construction drawings from your architect
include everything you want.


Detailed budgets are based on competitive bids from our subcontractors.
See more on budgets below.


You  receive a weekly schedule including major decision dates to ensure all finishes are ordered on time.

Job Checklists

Checklists for each phase of a job ensure that all work is correct prior to moving on to the next phase.

Change Orders

Written change orders are done before  work is completed, so you avoid  budget surprises after the fact.

Budget Tracking

A monthly spreadsheet tracks each budget item for work billed as of that month and the balance left to complete.

Walk Through

During our initial walk-through together we compile a detailed punch list of “to dos” and potential changes.

Final Walk Through

We walk through the project prior to move in to insure it is completed according to our standards.

Accurate Budgets and Schedules

Cottonwood Custom Builders has a long track record of on-time and on-budget custom home and remodeling projects. Our budgets are real and based on the bid specs agreed to by you and your architect. There is a contingency for any unexpected cost increases during construction, and change orders are completed and tracked per the contract on a timely basis. Monthly spreadsheet updates insure there are no surprises at the end.

Meet the Cottonwood Team

Our project management team has a combined 100 years of experience in custom green home building and remodeling in Boulder, CO and the surrounding areas.

Jeff Hindman
Jeff HindmanOwner & President
Jeff Hindman is the founder and CEO of Cottonwood Custom Builders Inc, incorporated in 1995. In that role he is involved in all aspects of the business.

Chris Sommers
Chris SommersProduction Coordinator
Chris developed his passion for reducing our impact on the planet while earning his B.S. in Environmental Science. He brings that dedication to each Cottonwood home.

Tom Roberts
Tom RobertsSpecial Projects Coordiantor
Tom Roberts has 35+ years of carpentry experience. When we face tricky building challenges, Tom is always the man with the plan.

Colin Crist
Colin CristProject Manager

Colin brings experience in civil engineering and commercial construction, as well as passion for sustainability, to our team.

Kate Weigel
Kate WeigelProject Manager

Kate brings her keen eye for detail, beauty, and quality to every project. She first discovered her love for building through volunteer work.

Calvin Yee
Calvin YeeProject Manager
Calvin is a former finance professional turned residential construction entrepreneur with a passion for green and sustainable building practices.
Randy Miles
Randy MilesProject Manager

Randy is acutely aware that construction is one of the world’s leading causes of waste and is passionate about being part of the solution.

Taylor Hansen
Taylor HansenProject Manager

Taylor’s love of construction began when he worked for a general contractor remodeling custom homes around Austin during high school.

Elizabeth Younger
Elizabeth YoungerDirector of Marketing

As the Director of Marketing, Elizabeth is responsible for developing marketing strategies that align with Cottonwood’s core values, target market, and long-term goals.

Jennifer Capell
Jennifer CapellOffice Manager

With over 20 years of experience in construction accounting across Colorado, Jennifer is the dedicated Office Manager for Cottonwood Custom Builders.